Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A selection of stones available.

Just to remind you...

all our jewelry
is custom made for you
and is available in
many stone choices.

I'm going to show you some samples.

C5108 White Moonstone

C5108 White Moonstone

Now a few other choices...

Amethyst C5108Amber C5108Garnet C5108

Amethyst Amber Garnet

Grey Moon C5108Malachite C5108Peach Moonstone C5108

Grey Moonstone Malachite Peach Moonstone

Onyx C5108Rainbow Moonstone C5108Tiger Eye C5108

Onyx Rainbow Moonstone Tiger Eye

Flourite C5108Turquoise C5108Hematite C5108

Flourite Turquoise Hematite

We don't have

every stone
in every size
but we try.


...I'm a wealth of useless information

To bring a smile to your face today...

The littlest granddaughter


Here is...

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